building on roofs

Do you have a spare roof?

We are all aware that London has a housing crisis, the lack of suitable land is part of the problem. Building on roofs is one answer developers are proposing.

Building on roofs

Apex Airspace Development is one such developer. Their novel approach is to build modular homes on top of existing buildings. They are seeking suitable sites, preferably with existing flat roofs. If you have a spare roof, it could make you money, instead of selling off part of your garden, you sell the airspace above. According to an article published by estate agents, Knight Frank, around 40,000 homes could be built on top of London’s existing buildings.

Planning issues

Obtaining planning permission for building on roofs has not been straightforward but supporters seem hopeful that this may ease as the government seeks way to relieve the housing crisis.

Other possibilities

Roofs over commercial sites such shops and offices are also possible sites. Tesco built their store over an existing railway at Gerrards Cross in Buckinghamshire demonstrating another possibility. Although in that case there was disastrous tunnel collapse during construction.

However it is done, building up not just outwards seems likely to be part of the solution to London’s housing problems.


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