
Worldwide Broadband Speed League Unveiled – UK Ranks 31

Broadband comparator and news website has published a league table of broadband speed, the UK is rated 31 out of 189 countries.

The Data analysed data collected by M-Lab in a 12 month period up to 10 May 2017, including 189 countries. Some countries have been excluded due to very low sample sizes. The new data was extracted from over 63 million broadband speed tests worldwide


  • Singapore topped the chart with a download speed of 55.13 Mbps followed by Sweden at 40.16 then Taiwan at 34.4.
  • Denmark (33.54), The Netherlands (33.54) and Latvia (30.16) all got into the thirties
  • The UK at 16.51 is behind twenty European countries and behind the USA (20) and Japan (24.47). We are ahead of France (13.43), Ireland (13.92) and Russia (11.59)
  • The five fastest have download speeds forty times faster than the slowest, Yemen, managing only 0.34Mbps
  • 17 of the slowest 30 countries are in Africa
  • 139 countries failed to achieve average speeds above 10Mbps, the speed telecoms watchdog Ofcom considers to be the minimum

Commenting on the findings Dan Howdle of, says:

“These results offer us a fresh perspective on where we sit in the broadband world. Relatively speaking, we are near the top of the table. However, many of those ahead of us – some a long way ahead – are our neighbours both in the EU and wider Europe.”

“Superfast rollout in the UK continues apace. Goals are being met, new initiatives undertaken and public funds being made available. However, clearly there are lessons to be learned both from Europe and from those topping the table.”

Click here to read the full report

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